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Filmer La Musique

A film festival to be experienced as a rock festival ...
Filmer la Musique #2 will take place in Paris from june 3 to june 8, 2008.

"Alongside the canal, in the heart of the city, from the Point Éphémère to the Mk2 Quai de Seine, and in a secret location to be revealed soon.
The Filmer la Musique festival focusses on many links between filmed images and music. It offers screenings, installations, performances, as well as live music filmed by invited directors and artists.
With a call for entries sent to more than 600 artists collectives, art schools and medias around the -globe, the festival’s program is based on a true discovery work, and presents innovative and rare works.
Filmer la Musique aims to be a very lively and participative event, looking to generate new productions, and wishing to turn its spectators into future invited artists.
Focused on music films, the festival also offers a screening space for new contemporaries formats (phone films, rough rushes, youtube and myspace productions ...). During 5 days and 5 nights, the festival will present a selection of works that tries to invent themselves out of the rules of broadcasting and will focus on original and audacious approaches.
Music films - at least the ones that we are interested in - form a separate - although mostly indefinite - category. Often produced by the directors or the musicians themselves, financed and shot according to their own rules, they invite us to discover another side of things: a city, a moment in time, a way to dress, to talk, to behave. To film music is a way to connect to the intensity of a time, to the intensity of life.

And it's that intensity, that rough and intense connection, that the Filmer la Musique festival intends to present."

Locations & Programme:
Point Ephémère, Paris
MK2 Quai de Seine

Info:Filmer La Musique