Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.


What's in a Name?

Susan Inglett and The Bruce High Quality Foundation are pleased to invite you to a special event:


Wednesday May 21st; 6-8pm
Susan Inglett Gallery; 522 West 24th Street

Published in conjunction with the exhibition The Bruce High Quality Foundation: The Retrospective, THE BRUCE HIGH QUALITY FOUNDATION FOUNDATION & OTHER IDEAS is a 160 page book covering the work and ideas of the foundation with texts by Colby Chamberlain, Charles Danby, Karl N. David, Karim El-Tanamli, Beatrice Gross, Tom Healy, Jordan Hruska, Denzel T. Jackson, Jana Leo, Niki Logis, Matthew Robert Lutz-Kinoy, Filip Noterdaeme, Margaux Poueymirou, Julia Weist, Nicholas Weist, and Z.L.

READINGS will feature readings. Namely,

What's in a Name? by Tom Healy
A Condensed Philosophy of the Use of the Mask in the Bachelors of Avignon by Nicholas Weist
On the Road by Karl N. David
Mission Statement: Long Version (A Day in the Life) by The Bruce High Quality Foundation
Pastures of the Underground by Z.L.
The Last Will & Testament of Bruce High Quality by Colby Chamberlain

And a performance by The Maitakes

And a last chance to see the exhibition before it closes on the 24th. Check out the NYTimes Review today
If you happen to buy it hardcopy, save it for us - redeemable for 1 free pretzel or hotdog while supplies last.

And don't forget, The Brucennial 08, featuring the work of 99 artists, is still on view at The Bruce High Quality Foundation, 1100 Broadway BKLYN through June 1st.

And if you're in Berlin, we'll be opening our exhibition THE GREAT WALL at Galerie Duve on June 20th (www.duve-berlin.com).


The Bruce High Quality Foundation