Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.



Exhibition. From May 24 to June 10, 2008. France Fiction Gallery, 6, bis rue du Forez, 75003 Paris
Opening Sat. May 24th, from 5pm to 9 pm.

Million Parts

Is the natural climate changing and becoming man made, because we emit air borne pollutants into the atmosphere - or is the climate changing because our man made tools of measuring and modeling are prevailing in their sophistication over the natural perception of climate? The terminal, total "information-climate" is real time, versus a formerly delayed historical inquiry. In this scenario the delay between action and the consequence for the individual or the environment is suppressed, we are living our prediction, the model is the reality.

Million Parts is real time, indoor carbon dioxide concentration as a result of human metabolic activity in correlation to light-space modulation. In question are the collective supervision of Parts Per Million of CO2 (PPM) production, but also the invitation to break with some of the international recommendations for indoor CO2 concentration, by breathing out your "end-tidal breath".

Helen Evans, Heiko Hansen
