Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.



PARIS, France, Dec 21st, 2007 to January 12th, 2008

Artists: Melanie Bonajo, Jaap Scheeren & Lukas Wassmann
Gallery: Gana-Beaubourg, Paris
3, rue Pierre au Lard, 75004 Paris
Opening: Dec 20th, 2007 7pm-10pm

This collective exhibition is the second event organized by Peeping Tom in collaboration with the Gana-Beaubourg Gallery in Paris.
After a successful exhibition/auction "arty" sale in November 2007, Caroline Niémant is today the curator of a group exhibition pairing the works of photographers Melanie Bonajo (Dutch), Jaap Scheeren (Dutch), and Lukas Wassman (Swiss)
These 3 photographers represent a new photography with a specific and contemporary approach to photography, which is strongly associated with sculpture, installation and art performance.
Their similar approach also refers to themes such as: the quest of identity, freedom and limitations of the human being with its dubts, frustrations and desires.
In this show, each artist will build his own space for games and thoughts, personal introspections that are also an acerbic critic of contemporary society.

Melanie Bonajo: d-e-s-a-s-t-e-r.ch
Jaap Scheeren: jaapscheeren.nl
Lukas Wassmann: lukaswassmann.com


TOKYO, Japan, Dec 13th - 16th, 2007
Artists: Bertrand Trichet, Stephanie Solinas, Scott Bourne, Jeremie Cortial.
Gallery EX'REALM
Opening Party starts Thursday 13th at 7:30pm
Convince Me