Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.



LA CONJONCTION INTERDITE, notes sur le skateboard
Author: Raphael Zarka
Editions F7
Language: French

Language: English
Photographies: Bertrand Trichet , Pontus Alv, Alexander Basile.

This book captures a visual experience through the capital of Mongolia and its surrounded landscapes. Based on a photo of a giant Skatepark, in the center of Ulaanbaatar. A group of 11 skateboarders took the challenge in July 2005 and found themselves face to face with the ruins of the park.
A voyage through the joy and pain of Skateboarding, random architecture, endless countryside and the knowledge on how to ollie on dirt.
Author : Daniel Mason
Publishing : Laurence King

"There is currently an enormous wealth of materials and of print manufacturing processes available to designers. These opportunities are rarely fully explored, whether from a lack of knowledge, or from a belief that they will be too costly, to complicated, or too time consuming. Materials, Process, Print explores these diverse possibilities, providing insights into how they can be stretched, skewed and subverted to produce original results.
In depth analysis of specific materials and of key print and manufacturing processes is combined with a series of case studies showing innovative practice from major international studios at the cutting edge of design. Functioning as a handbook for reference and a highly illustrated source of ideas and creative solutions, this book suggests fresh approaches and new ways of thinking for designers working in graphic design and packaging, and will also be of interest to product designers and anyone who commissions design in these fields."


Author: Olivier Quintyn
Language: French

"Dispositifs/Dislocations propose une poétique du collage à travers différentes manifestations historiques et génériques: arts plastiques (Picasso, Rodtchenko, Jasper Johns), littérature (Denis Roche, Manuel Joseph), musique (Oval, Negativland). Olivier Quintyn reconceptualise cette notion en la décrivant comme un dispositif destiné à dramatiser des expériences de désunion entre des logiques symboliques de représentation du monde. Retravaillant certains concepts de l'esthétique analytique de Nelson Goodman et de l'épistémologie de Paul Feyerabend, il fabrique une petite grammaire des opérations collagistes articulant divers types de fonctionnements pragmatiques. Il développe enfin une réflexion sur leur portée sociale, dans le cadre d'une critique philosophique de la culture (Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin). Le but de ce livre est de donner une consistance théorique à des pratiques dénaturalisant les formes de croyance et de savoir collectif par des tactiques de dislocation épistémocritique."
