Capricious #10 - The Feminist Issue - "Looking Forward, Feeling Backwards." This special volume is curated by photographer Tammy Rae Carland.
Release date: End of November
Carland's focus from the beginning was to insist that the possibilities that exist in a dialogue on feelings inflame the specter of feminism. By simply asking artists/photographers what the world of feelings looks like, we received a lot of work that holds potential for transformative ideas and experience.
Empathetic vision, relentless loss, identity melancholia, compulsive hope, political depression, pin-prick humor, retooling trauma, shameless shame and feelings that have no names are all contending with one another in this issue of the magazine. The editorial selection gives the personal, political, social and emotional equal weight and emphasizes a generational lens on hope, humor and limitless self-invention.
Artists to be featured in this issue are: Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, Basje Boer, Samantha Cohn, Judith Erwes & Paul Bower, K8 Hardy, Jason Hanasik, Jeanine Oleson, Pawel Jaszczuk, Jason Kalogiros, Morgan Levy, Andrea Longacre-white, Simone Lueck, Erin Jane Nelson, and Diana Scherer.
Printed using alternative energy in Winnipeg
Capricious #10 is 197mm x 270mm, full color, with perforated pages (perfect for pulling out and pinning on a wall).
Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.