Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.


The Scholars of Mental Faxing

Call for Submissions to Mental Fax

Our dear friend, Militia Shimkovitz from Voodoo-Eros label sent us this little message:

"Spring is sauntering in like a lamb-- a lamb bearing yet another enthusiastic enterprise.... MENTAL FAX.

MENTAL FAX is a drawing digest dedicated to drawings. Lots of drawings. An abundance of drawings. Mountains and plains and prairies of drawings.
Like, 10 drawings from everyone. Everywhere.

This is the initial call out for submissions.
Once we have compiled a good sum, we'll feature selected works first on our web gallery, then in our inaugural paper digest, followed up with the possibility of presenting them at various MENTAL FAX curated gallery expositions.

Please feel free to peruse the submission guidelines at www.MentalFax.us www.MentalFax.Us
Please feel free to submit as many drawings as you desire.
Please feel free to pass this note on to friends.
Please feel free to Mental Fax Us at this MachoMel@MentalFax.Us
Please feel free.

Humble thank yous,

The Scholars of Mental Faxing

More here:

442-D Lorimer Street #122
Brooklyn, NY 11206 USA