Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.


Message From Mad Vicky

'Welcome to Vicky's mansion!
Come enjoy the marvels and marvel over the joy.
I present to you one of the greatest artists of our time, Prince Leif Ritchey. He will present his splendor on the occasion of the 14th day of February in the year 2008 to christen MadVicky’s Gallery with friendly voodoo spawning fertilely for years to come. I will serve you tea, MadVicky style.
Someone from Mariage Frères might spit it out directly in my face but that’s ok-- it will be far too creamy and rich for their sophisticated dirty water taste.
After the exhibition the gallery will slowly morph into a multifunctional art space where objects can be sold and worn for an array of prices: hand made items,
dresses, antiques, cigarettes... a tiny music store of my personal favorites including bootlegs you can't find anywhere else in the world.
Leif and Tooya will shop keep as the featured resident artists for the first few months.

The rest is a mystery and a surprise.'

'Hello, we are Leif and Tooya. We make clothes together. First we made clothes for each other, then for our friends and now for shops in America, Sweden, and Japan.
Next, we want to bring our clothes around the world in the form of a travelling store. We are inspired by the peddler, the tailor and the dressmaker. Our new stores will be part boutique part atelier and part fleamarket.
We believe that a new type of store is needed for a new type of clothing. Clothing that is made by hand and with care with the wearer's spirit and health in mind. Clothing that is about friendship, love and transformation.
Our clothes are made by us with organic, sustainable and recycled materials. We like organic and flowing shapes. We like clothing that is comfortable and soothing- that can be worn both to party and to sleep in.
For our time in Paris at Mad Vicky's tea shop we will first show Leif sculptures and paintings, then we will transform the space into a store for the new age.'

Bring your Valentine
Febr 14th, Paris
2 rue Nicolet. 75018 PARIS