Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.


Gertrud 1964 vs. 2007

Paris, Film Premiere, Tuesday March 4th, 7:30 pm, Palais de Tokyo.

A film by Juliette Bineau, remake of "Gertrud" Carl Theodor Dreyer's film.
with: Aurélie Delafon, Etienne Blanchot, Lionel Fernandez, Thomas Pigache, David TV
DV, 84 min, 2007

- "Gertrud" (1964) -W/B- is Carl Theodor Dreyer's last film. It is set in the beginning of the 20th Century, in Stockholm (?), in a middle-class and Protestant environment. The action takes place during two nights and two days. It is mainly made of long sequences shot during the summer 1963, in studio.
- "Gertrud"(2007) - Color-, Juliette Bineau's remake is a "film de chambre", shot in digital video in Paris. It reproduces the continuity of the film source shot by shot. The actors are her close friends, they "re-play" the film in their own interiors, today in Paris, and they are dubbed by the soundtrack of Dreyer's film. French subtitles.

The story:
"In the elegant world of artists and musicians, Gertrud ends her marriage to Gustav Kanning and takes a lover, the composer Erland Jansson. When he also fails to live up to her idealistic standards, she leaves him and imposes on herself a kind of exile of the heart. In flashbacks and in conversations laced with memories, we also learn of her affair with the poet Gabriel Lidman, who still wishes she would go off with him, and we learn of her adolescence, with its early expression of her isolating ideal of absolute love."