Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.


FAMOUS #10 Exhibition in NY

Capricious and DrunknSailor are setting up a small exhibition of Famous last issue: #10, NOBODY IS FAMOUS IN NEW YORK, during the whole weekend (Feb 22-24), 103 Broadway at Berry, Brooklyn (NY).

Nota Bene:
"Famous is merely a temporal stare at the effusive marmalade of miscellaneous moods.
Famous #10 was supposed to be about"Corruption".
As we were full of cactus in our head, we had to give up that idea 2 years ago.
A few months ago we decided to put the magazine in the hands of the nice Capricious Collective as the guest editor:
Sophie Mörner and I met on a same effervescent line level. I fell into her realm and taste in two seconds. An artistic "Coup de foudre" (Crush) as we say in France. She could have been my "Platonic New York Girlfriend in Work" for 10 days, and it was like that. So we came up with the idea that she could be our star as the editor of this issue together with the Capricious Collective. Nobody is Famous in New York, right ? It was definitely a capricious feeling. I gave it to her as a special present, and she did it right. Giving her personal contemporary vision of what is emerging and inspirational in New York nowadays.
Capricious makes it happen.
Reiko Underwater, Paris"


Opening reception Friday February 22nd 6 PM with drinks and music.

For additional infos, click on the flyer below.