Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.


We Brave Bee Stings And All

And Brave We Are.

THAO,Private Showcase, Paris, January 21st.

Monday evening. Le Baron. Somewhere in the 16th district of Paris. 11 pm. Windy. We were flying into this space, emaciated, invisible. Slow motion and melancholic mood. No cigarettes. Drinks too expensive. Waiting endlessly for her to show.
Staring at an empty stage.
We don't feel at ease. We don't feel uncomfortable. It's just not what we were expecting.
So we left faster than planned. We've missed the show.
Absence rings like an oblivion.

"It's raining outside and we're far from our home."

...We were nonchalant ghosts sliding into a wistful dreamlike atmosphere where time was congealed....

Fortunately, I don't take it for granted.
I have the cd in my hands. And it's really far from what I've (not) seen yesterday.

Thao Nguyen is a "23 year Virginia-bred songwriter". Her broken and suave voice has something special that is talking straight to your bones.
The sound is folky enriched by some cowboy reminiscences, giving a certain mirth to the rhythm. Ears wide open. You'll probably feel a certain darkness inside her stories.
We Brave Bee Stings And All, is her second opus, recorded in Portand with Tucker Martine (record producer who worked with The Decemberists, Sufjan Stevens, Mudhoney, ...).
The album is mild, modest and swinging. Nothing more than pleasant. It will help running away from our dreary winter days. Why would we need more?

Label: Kill Rock Stars.
Out January 28