Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.


Independent Source of Art and Text


A text/art journal made by artists, writers, musicians, & independent thinkers.
Published once a year, Penny-Ante compiles an eclectic group of thinkers, allowing them the freedom to entertain a page/s in whatever way they wish, with no restraints.

Book#2: contributors such as Matteah Baim (musician, poet, artist), LD Beghtol (writer, artist, musician: Magnetic Fields), Mike Bruce (writer/director: The Legend Of God's Gun), Bubonic Plague, Bill Callahan (musician, also Smog), Camera Obscura, Mariano Chavez, The Clientele, Feathers, Dino Felipe, Holy Shit, Jana Hunter (musician), Sharron Kraus (musician), Christin Lee (writer), John Maus (musician), Slim Moon (musician, founder of Kill Rock Stars), My Barbarian, Ariel Rosenberg (artist, musician: Ariel Pink) & Jason Yates (artist: Fast Friends Inc.), Nanci Sarrouf (artist, writer, photographer), Winston Smith (artist: Dead Kennedys, Jello Biafra), The Space Lady), The Tyde...

and many more on Book#1.
Just amazing signatures.