Fake-Real magazine Appendix
Collected news index about:
Culture, Art, Music, Books ... from different places in a different world.


EXHIBITION / New York / from Amy Yao

The Wu-Tang / googolplex Show (Congress)
Every season is probably Wu-Tang -season. Seriously, fall, winter, spring, summer all f***ing make sense. Research will bring us to this surmise, but we need lots of authority, infinite authority... so, as the Wu-Tang Clan seems to respire as vast entity ( however nuclear and clandestine they keep it), so we bring in googolplex –that winsome alpha-omega number– as the No-Duh ambassador to the Wu Nebula.
Preliminary data suggests: phonetic twain / aleatory pudge / aleatory trophy /connotation-congruous / plain obtuse /Mr(s). Whatevs.
But that’s not really it, is it? The Wu-Tang Clan is metaphysical prowess. Beautiful ludicrous [plainly, Ludiful] googolplex is like the dental floss strand that just won’t end. Here we got ourselves some bigtime religion. Let’s bake a bangin’ cake. Who’s making the frosting? Wu, goo? Great. Join us there: googols of artists, shit-tons of –plex.

Sept. 25 through Oct. 13
Opening, Tues. Sept. 25 6-9
436 West 15th St.
New York, NY 10011
Wed. – Sat.. 1 - 7 PM